On January 6th 2019 was the Hell On Wheels MX Scramble at Glen Helen Raceway. From a rain storm the night before the track had perfect conditions with out boy Greg "GT" Tomlinson taking home 1st place. All motocross pictures were taken using a Contax645 and a Canon EOS1vhs camera - lenses included 85mm, 70-200mm and a 600mm (manfrotto tripod).  Photos by Jack English

Riders: Mike Davis, Marc and Angus Locke, Go and Masumi Takamine, GT, 

Sponsors included Von Zipper, Biltwell, 805, Fasthouse, Zero Hour, Ford, Bornfree, Lowbrow Customs, Chop Cult, Burly Brand, Harley Davidson, Yamaha, Honda, Triumph, Ascot USA, Russ Brown Attorney, BA Racing, Brat Style, Moore Cycle Center, Triumph, Sudco, Century Motorcycles,